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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2014-08-19 | 浏览量:

  带式干燥机/烘干隧道 英泰DryGenic有助于,行业控制温度/湿度环境中生产出更优质的产品,同时尽量减少实用程序的使用和^大限度地提高生产效率。

  您的合作伙伴 Imtech公司DryGenic干燥器设计的耐用性,卫生性和可靠性,控制温度和湿度的,根据需要,提供所需的水平,即使具有不同空气入口条件。

  干燥产品与初始的新鲜产品中发现的水平相似的属性与高质量的脱水产品的电流需求。此外,在干燥过程中应具有低的生产成本和低的环境影响。英泰的DryGenic带式干燥机用于干燥各种产品一样,蔬菜,鱼,肉,和水果产品。 除了食品和农业产品的干燥,带式干燥机也可以被用于各种化学品和药物的脱水。干燥机,可用于片状,条纹,面条,多维数据集和颗粒状物料的干燥。 这的英泰DryGenic机,具有效率高,能耗低的特点。

  烘干机的设计和选择是通过湿和干燥产物的流动特性决定, 肿块/地壳形成趋势和热灵敏度。的干衣机的容量和尺寸和性能取决于可用的传热面积和特定产品的操作条件为。可以相应地调整,以控制^终产品的物理性能的组合的温度循环和干燥时间。


  一般描述 原料可以通过合适的辅助机构,如分配器,在输送带上传播振动带,粉碎机或造粒机。 干燥隧道被分为多个区,每个保持不同的温度。



  英泰DryGenic带式干燥机提供了许多运营效益: 定制机 为每个产品的优化时间/干燥曲线 连续干燥系统 适用于粒状,纤维状的,预成形的,挤出的湿物料。 高能源效率 有效地使用建筑面积 统一和温和干燥 模块化的系统,灵活,易于运输和安装 当然,英泰DryGenic带式干燥机是耐腐蚀。我们使用的各种材料,如不锈钢和铝,这取决于要被处理的产品的属性。 在设计安装之前,在实验室测试的产品,根据参数的范围内,为了确定^佳的产品处理。




  待干燥后的产品 蔬菜,药材,水果,土豆,根,明胶,颗粒饲料,宠物食品,香菇,味精,木炭,有机颜料,合成橡胶,丙烯纤维,药品,药材,小木制品,塑料制品,羧基甲基-纤维素等。

  Belt Dryers / Drying Tunnels Imtech DryGenic helps the industry to produce better quality products in controlled temperature/humidity environment while minimizing utility usage and maximizing production rates.

  Your Partner Imtech DryGenic dryers are designed for durability, sanitation and reliability and control temperature and humidity as required, delivering desired levels even with varying air inlet conditions.

  Drying of products The current demand of high-quality dehydrated products with properties with similar levels as found in the initial fresh product. In addition, the drying process should have a low production cost and a low environ-mental impact. The Imtech DryGenic belt dryers are used to dry all kinds of product like; vegetables, fish, meat, and fruit products. Besides the drying of food and agriculture products, the belt dryer can also be used for dehydration of various chemical and pharmaceutical products. The dryer can be used for the drying of flaked, striped, noodle, cube and granule materials. This Imtech DryGenic dryer has the characteristics of high efficiency and low energy.

  The design and the selection of the dryer is decided by the wet and the dry product flow characteristics, lump / crust formation tendency and the thermal sensitivity. The dryer capacity and size and performance depends on the available heat transfer area and the operating conditions for the specific product. The combination of temperature cycles and drying times can be adjusted accordingly as to control the final product’s physical properties.

  The belt conveyor of the dryer that loads drying material is based on single or multiple layers stainless steel belt. Because the air flows through the belt, the heat exchange is completely and evenly, production efficiency is high and the product quality is very good.

  General descriptions The raw material can be spread on the conveyer belt through suitable auxiliary mechanism such as distributor, vibrating belt, pulveriser or granulator. The drying tunnel is divided into zones, each maintaining a different temperature.

  Each zone unit is equipped with an air heating and circulation system and if necessary a dampexhaust system. When the conveyor passes it, hot air passes through raw material from up to low or from low to up. In this way it makes raw material dry uniformly.

  Depending on product the tunnel can be equipped with a cooling section and vibration device in outlet to decrease the final product temperature and make it convenient to package in time.

  The Imtech DryGenic belt dryers offer many operational benefits: Custom made dryer Optimum time/drying curves for each product Continuous drying system Suitable for granular, fibrous, preformed, extruded wet materials. High energy efficient Use the floor space effectively Uniform and gentle drying Modular system, flexible and easy to ship and install Naturally the Imtech DryGenic belt dryers are corrosion-resistant. We use various materials such as stainless steel and aluminium, depending on the properties of the product to be processed. Before designing an installation, the product is tested in a laboratory according to a range of parameters, in order to identify the optimum product treatment.

  This means that a product-specific solution can always be provided. In our laboratory, we can simulate processes with varying parameters and thus determine the best possible product processing.

  This is necessary for many processes to prevent damage to the product. Samples can be subjected to tests at temperatures from -30 up to 600°C. After carefully analysis of the results, each installation is custom designed and manufactured.

  Our company can provide technical serves for consultation, equipment selection, research & design and engineering. Because each product has its own specific characteristics (size weight etc.), the installations are tailor-made to the situation.

  Products to be dried Vegetables, herbs, fruits, potatoes, roots, gelatine, granule feed, pet food, mushrooms, monosodium glutamate, charcoal, organic pigment, synthetic rubber, propylene fiber, medicine, medical material, small wooden products, plastic products, carboxyl-methyl-cellulose etc.

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